Tuesday, 3 April 2007

False dichotomy ....

The 19th century was one of industrialisation when the forces of modernisation were pitted against those of tradition and resistance. The voices of despair from those who suffered from the excesses of modernisation would eventually find a home in socialism or social democracy paving the way for the late 19th and early 20th centuries divide between modernisation verses modernisation with a human face. When that division broke down at the end of the 20th century then the world was forced back into the old polarisation of tradition verses modernity – often now seen through a growing religious framework.

The danger of that divide is that we will look upon all modernisation as progressive and all religion as regressive. A false dichotomy will be set up that will lead the world into an unnecessary conflict of opposing fictions. Some forms of modernisation can be regressive too as they force people into conformity and eliminate choice whilst some forms of religion can be humanistic and expand choice, seek self fulfilment and encourage compassion.

1 comment:

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Wow, she said in a quiet voice. High goals indeed, led by a persuasive argument. My brain is still bleeding some, let me digest a bit..